Uncategorized 一度生活の順序が崩れると頭と体が混乱に陥る。だがそれまでに秩序ある習慣を築くことができていれば、元の生活に復帰することは困難ではない。混乱と同時に絶望を味わうことは避けられないが、その絶望が復帰を励ます力となることも否めない。だが、本当であ... 2024.11.06 Uncategorized
Uncategorized dite “normale” Qu'est-ce que la "normalité" ? C'est quelque chose qui ne nous met pas mal à l'aise L'ordinaire peut s'intégrer à l'ense... 2024.06.27 Uncategorized
Uncategorized so called “normal” What is the so-called "normal"? It is something that does not make us feel uncomfortable. The ordinary can fit into the ... 2024.06.27 Uncategorized
Uncategorized Disrespect Religion Religion should not be underestimated. In the history of mankind, the contribution that religion has made to humanity is... 2024.06.27 Uncategorized
Uncategorized About “Attractiveness” Charm depends on how wasteful, unnecessary, and inefficient it is. Hence, novels have charm. It is rather difficult to g... 2024.03.28 Uncategorized
Uncategorized ”惹かれる” 人が何かに惹かれるとき、魅了されるとき、それは直観によるものであり、理屈によるものではない。 理屈が登場するのは、理論的な根拠を用いて説明しようとするときが、初めてである。 魅了された瞬間には、そこに一切の理論は、存在しない。 もし理論的に... 2024.03.26 Uncategorized
Uncategorized Reasons to kill bugs Humans kill insects, but why? Because they look unpleasant. They are filthy. They destroy crops. They are disgusting. We... 2024.03.21 Uncategorized
Uncategorized “Emotions” What is it that unites human beings? It is emotion. Emotions that arise from the vital part of man. Emotions that arise ... 2024.03.08 Uncategorized
Uncategorized About Communication What is communication? Communication. It is possible only when there is a partner. What is a situation in which there is... 2024.03.06 Uncategorized
Uncategorized Meditation from “The Brothers Karamazov” Meditation seems to be a less publicized practice today. Smartphones have become ubiquitous and people are constantly lo... 2023.12.13 Uncategorized