Meditation seems to be a less publicized practice today.
Smartphones have become ubiquitous and people are constantly looking at screens in their lives.
(Look at the people on the train and you will easily see that the number of people who are not looking at their smartphones is far fewer!)
But in the absence of digital devices like smartphones, meditation would not have been an uncommon practice among people.
A pensive person would have inevitably meditated.
Today, there must still be pensive people, but they may have lost or failed to acquire the habit due to unnatural triggers such as digital devices.
It is precisely because we live in such a modern age that we need to understand that meditation is a very important act for human beings.
Meditation is called meditation, but it is not enough to just close your eyes and be in a daze.
It is not so clear-cut that thoughts come to mind, but only impressions.
But even if it is only an impression, it seems to pass by and disappear, but in fact it is hidden in the mind and is stored unconsciously.
It is a valuable asset for the individual, and will exist forever as an important source of sustenance for life.
I believe that meditation is an act that produces something very valuable for human life.
Just thinking about meditation may open your eyes to a whole different world.