What is it that unites human beings?
It is emotion.
Emotions that arise from the vital part of man.
Emotions that arise from love and hate.
There is no room for logic.
This is the reason why religion brings people together.
Religion is capable of appealing directly to human emotions.
Real human society is, of course, formed and established by the connections among human beings.
In other words, what strengthens society is emotion, and what weakens society is emotion.
To put it more precisely, it is the unity or disagreement of feelings.
This is true of any society, regardless of its size, in which human beings are united.
Families tend to be tightly knit (just a tendency) because it is easier to achieve emotional unity.
It is also for the same reason that the bonds are stronger in small groups than in large ones.
Now, emotions can be controlled to some extent by reason.
By control, I mean suppressing the embodiment and realization of emotions, not their generation and extinction.
The more mature the mind is, the more skillful the control is, and a group composed of such people can avoid emotional disagreements even by force, thus making it easier to create so-called “cohesion.
Needless to say, however, this cohesion is not real.
It is a false unity based on compromise and adjustment.
And today, society is full of such false unity.
True solidarity can only be found in a society of pure and innocent children.
Now is the time for an emotional explosion.
We need emotions as innocent and pure as a child’s.
We must unite these emotions to build a strong and sturdy human society.
But can this be achieved through democracy and liberalism?
Is it possible to unite feelings under a system that respects the individual?